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aggressive drive meaning in Hindi

aggressive drive sentence in Hindi

आक्रामक अंतर्नोद
आक्रामकता अंतर्नोद
aggressive    आक्रामी आक्रामक
drive    गेंद मारना सैर
1.The problem with aggressive driving is that it leads to road rage,

2."Red light running is more than just a form of aggressive driving.

3.Fourteen U . S . states have passed laws against aggressive driving.

4.But the two are often linked, making aggressive driving even more perilous.

5.We're aiming to stop aggressive driving before it reaches that stage ."

6.The genital stage appears when the sexual and aggressive drives have returned.

7.Defining " aggressive driving " raised a host of other problems.

8.Since 1990, reports of aggressive driving incidents have more than doubled.

9.Like many problems, aggressive driving is as much a symptom as an illness.

10.For the most part, the aggressive driving was done in front of him.

  More sentences:  1  2  3  4  5

How to say aggressive drive in Hindi and what is the meaning of aggressive drive in Hindi? aggressive drive Hindi meaning, translation, pronunciation, synonyms and example sentences are provided by Hindlish.com.